Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Time I met Rob Dydrek in 1997

It was 1997 and I was in Dayton Ohio visiting my dad. My stepbrother's best-friend's older brother was the sales manager for Alien Workshop and the Alien Workshop skate team was coming through town on the Timecode Tour.Lennie Kirk was scheduled to stay at my stepbrother's friend's house in Troy, Ohio. I was 14 years-old and stoked af. I got to spend a day skateboarding with Lennie Kirk who was recovering from brain damage after taking a hard spill trying to grind a dumpster. Lennie was going through a hardcore Christain phase in life and was on a Jesus trip the whole time and any conversation with him was bound to turn into a sermon. We took him around Troy which doesn't really have much to offer in terms of skate spots but Southern Ohio isn't really known as a concrete wonderland. There was a skate demo scheduled at Ohio Surf and Skate and the whole Alien Workshop Pro Team was going to be there. I ended up going with my stepbrother's friend's brother's little skate crew and everyone was there, Fred Gull, Mike Hayes, Josh Kalis, Rob Dydrek, everyone. Being a kid from a small town in Northern California being able to hang out and skate with the pros was like a dream come true. Kids were going up to the team and getting their promotional posters signed and I was told to doi the same. I skated up to Rob Dydrek and asked him to please sign my poster. He paused and sized me up and noticed that I was wearing a Media skateboards T-Shirt. Dydrek scoffed and said, "Media?!? What? Did your mom buy you that shirt?" I felt slightly insulted and began to wonder if I was about to have to fight this 22 year old dude that was standing eye-to-eye with me, a 14 year-old kid that couldn't have stood over 5'6" tall? I know it sounds dramatic but at 14 I was actually a pretty dangerous kid with a fuse shorter than Rob Dydrek himself. Everyone else there was cool as hell to me. Mike Hayes passed me his cigarette and dapped me then started doing 5-0 grinds over the pyramid box, Kalis was cool to me, everyone was cool to me but Rob Dyrdek was an asshole and I never forgot that. Years later this dude gets a show on MTV and I realized, that's just what he's like, a short little skater dude from Ohio with a bad attitude. He was basically talking to me the same way he talks to his little cousin I got older, I got over it.But yeah, Rob Dyrdek is a midget asshole and Lennie Kirk is in prison the last I heard for armed robbery in San Francisco. I still own my Alien Workshop 1997 Timecode Tour signed promo poster signed by the entire team. I wonder what I can get for it on eBay?

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